Diagnostic Excellence

Showcasing Diagnostic Excellence with Trust Fall Technology Group


Trust Fall Technology Group collaborated with QuidelOrtho, a prominent player in the field of diagnostic healthcare, to design and provide all staging, lighting, audio and video for their annual North American Sales Meeting. The partnership aimed to provide an immersive environment, to help engage their sales team, and support QuidelOrtho’s commitment to healthcare innovation and diagnostic solutions in a dynamic manner.


Leveraging its expertise in large-scale event production and technology integration, Trust Fall Technology Group created an immersive and informative General session experience for QuidelOrtho. The focus was on developing a captivating stage design that allowed the speakers to effectively communicate QuidelOrtho’s exciting new innovations coming to healthcare diagnostics and their commitment to providing advanced solutions.


The collaboration resulted in a highly successful training atmosphere for QuidelOrtho and their sales and marketing teams. Trust Fall Technology Group’s innovative approach helped in effectively conveying QuidelOrtho’s message and contributions to the healthcare industry, enhancing their training and overall impact at the event.




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